Cleanliness is among the reasons why Vancouver is considered one of the most livable cities in the world. PICPA Vancouver have joined the City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Cleanup Party.
The Cleanup Parties are city sponsored litter pick up community events. It encourages residents and organizations to join and participate to strengthen and protect the environment.
PICPA Vancouver joined together with friends and family on August 21,2021 to clean up the beaches of Vancouver particularly Locarno and Spanish Banks. Lots of debris were pick up and thrown to the proper bins. Gloves and sanitized tools for picking were provided by the city and proper health protocols were observed.
This will be an annual event to be held in spring and summer to give opportunity to members and their children to participate in clean up to protect our shorelines, considered to be Vancouver’s most precious assets. PICPA Vancouver was given a Certificate of Appreciation by Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart.
Aside from having fun cleaning up, Coffee and snacks were served provided by members.